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I am so excited (and to be honest a tad nervous) to share with you a personal project I’ve been working on over the last two years. It is The Surrender Project—the diaries of a recovering “human doing.”

In this uncensored, personal, two-year journey, I talk about topics I think a lot of us women in the twenty-first century are thinking but are too scared to say out loud. It’s real and raw. I talk about drugs, sex, and rock and roll (if Kings of Leon and Fleetwood Mac count?). This comes from the inner workings of my crazy mind.

Think of it kinda like Sex and the City mixed with Eat Pray Love, all in the format of a series of diary entries.

When I started, I didn’t know where we would end up, but that’s the point, right? Surrendering control.

Come along for the journey if you would love to see if what I have learned in my personal project could help you slow down too and start being a “human being” instead of a “human (constantly) doing.”

Anything goes. The only rule is that I let my husband preview each chapter. Because, although I’m happy to bare all, that doesn’t mean he is too.

Anything goes. The only rule is that I let my husband preview each chapter. Because, although I’m happy to bare all, that doesn’t mean he is too.

Lean in. It means you’re growing. You’re evolving. Something exciting is about to happen.

I have occasionally been scared to share these words on paper. Scared of being vulnerable. Scared of judgement.

But I am walking my talk, trusting my intuition, and taking inspired action (even when it feels scary).

Come join me for my own personal Surrender Project, from start to end, and witness my beliefs and reality evolve.